Friday, May 7, 2010

Never alone

At first it was really hard...actually, hard doesn't come close to describing it. It was torturous to describe what happened a year ago and the events leading up to it. Think of something in your life that you worked on day in and day out and having it fail. Multiply that by 100 and add love and offending words and dismissal and not being able to do a thing about it. Then imagine being asked about it on a daily basis. And having to explain it over and over again and trying not to lose it every time.

Quotes from cheesy movies like this got me through...
"So you failed. Alright you really failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed. You failed...You wanna be really great? Then have the courage to fail big and stick around. Make them wonder why you're still smiling."

But's much easier. I can explain how alone and awful it was and not cry...which is what I did last night. Explained the events. Explained that I was alone...and then I realized...I wasn't alone.

Maybe I felt that way at the time, but there is always a constant in our lives that we need to remember. God. He's always there. He's always watching. And he knows best. I knew this, but I never explained that part of the situation.

So no matter how difficult the situation. No matter what you're going through. Take a minute and have a little talk with the One who will never let you down. :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Forever Young

In 25 days, I will be 24. We will each turn a year older whether we want to or not throughout this year, but let's remember that we can always stay young at heart (so cliche I know, but keep reading!) :)

My grandma sent me this article a few years ago that I have hanging by my desk at work and I thought you might enjoy it.


1. Try everything twice. On Madams tombstone (of Whelan's and Madam) she said she wanted this epitaph: Tried everything twice...loved it both times!

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches.)

3. Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath . And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with HIM/HER.

6. The tears happen: Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. LIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love: Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

11. Forgive now those who made you cry. You might not get a second time.

And in light of this of my favorite songs.

Forever Young - Bob Dylan

May God bless and keep you always,
May your wishes all come true,
May you always do for others
And let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous,
May you grow up to be true,
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous,
Stand upright and be strong,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy,
May your feet always be swift,
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.