Well...it's really happening this time. I'm Grand Canyon bound! Like I've said before, I've never been and it's time to stop sitting on it and just get it done.
My batteries are packed, I'm ready to go. I'm standing here, gas can in hand. I hate to admit I'll probably break a bone. 'Cause I'm leaving to the Grand Canyon, don't know when I'll be back again...ok that's enough...
There's a new moon on the night of June 12th and I can't wait to see more stars than I've ever seen! I'll map out my journey here:
Map of entire trip: http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Austin,+TX&daddr=Grand+Canyon+Village,+AZ&hl=en&geocode=FRHXzQEdK48s-ikvA8ygmbVEhjF61WnUS0abXQ%3BFSQGJgIdNapQ-Skl4_-VTxczhzGhniKadMLMuA&mra=ls&sll=35.986896,-111.74469&sspn=1.253422,2.112122&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=6
2,200 miles in 3.5 days.
Thursday night(5pm - midnight) - Leave Austin for Lubbock to see the family and get a free meal and lodging.
Friday (8am - 8pm) - Drive to the Grand Canyon, see the stars, explore. Drive back to Tusayan to hotel.
Saturday (5:30am - 3pm) - Drive to the Grand Canyon, see the sunrise, explore.
Saturday (3pm - 10pm) Drive to Albuquerque, NM to see my cousins. Meal and lodging.
Sunday (8am - midnight) Drive back to Austin to record said exploration.
Solitary road trip. Just me and some music. Getting into the deep beautiful melancholy of everything that's happened.
Wish me luck...I'll probably need it.
Good luck, buddy! And be safe! I'd volunteer to drive with you if I didn't hate driving more than 10 minutes. I'm going to send a book with you.
Yay! I love books! :)
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